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Johannes-Christian Rost

I was born into a rather large family in a Brandenburgian village in former German Democratic Republic. There I lived a rich and exciting life amongst countless books, which only the music and beautiful nature of my home could tear me away from. Quite soon I found out that one can actually make books oneself and so it became my favourite occupation to this day.

 From 1975 to 1981 I enjoyed education as a graphic designer by outstanding teachers at the art college Berlin-Weißensee. Then I spent six years in East Berlin as a freelance illustrator. After our children had been born, and my wife and me had been insisting unwaveringly on leaving the country, we were finally granted exit to the neighboring country in 1987.

 When my wife got a job in the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra, we decided to settle there. Since then, I have created illustrations for numerous publishers and agencies in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munich and many other places. What I like to draw best are illustrations which allow the viewer deep insights into complex natural or technical processes. Regardless of whether it concerns geological processes, the metamorphosis of a fern, the function of a biogas plant, the steps involved in multiplying plants or inserting an artificial heart valve - I do not rest until I have gained full understanding of the subject, whereupon I proceed to put my excitement over the acquired knowledge into my work.

 Every now and then I also start my old etching press to commit to paper the images which loneliness, trepidation, and anger at the senseless noise our growth society create in my head. Because I mostly spend many hours each day alone at my work table, I join the choir rehearsal once or twice a week and meet people who dedicate their passion and ability to music.

 However, every summer the silence and sheer vastness of Sweden and the Norwegian tundra lures me away, and I escape the hostile uproar of the metropolitan areas. At the sight of the Northern Arctic Ocean, I gather fresh powers and I am reminded anew of what is important in life.
Page design © 2024 by Elias Rost